This week we start off talking about the Federal Trade Commission suing a data broker for sharing sensitive location data. It's a topic we're following closely, in part because location information can't be anonymized even when companies promise that … [Read more...]
Podcast: Gifts galore and a recipe for smarter food prep
This week's podcast is full of gift suggestions from our annual gift guide, many of which are aimed at those people on your list who have a green thumb. We then discuss my disappointment with Wemo after almost a decade of using its devices, and Kevin … [Read more...]
Anki Vector: Edge-based smarts in a cute companion robot for $250
There’s a new Kickstarter project today and it’s right up my alley. If you’re into home robots, deep learning, neural networks, knowledge graphs or a digital assistant with personality, then it’s likely right up your alley, too. Today, Anki … [Read more...]
Visybl wants to bring easy IoT to small biz
Here's an IoT crowdfunding campaign to watch! Normally I'm not that into crowdsourcing campaigns because, like those pictures of fast food burgers, they tend to disappoint in real life. But Visybl has a cool idea to take Amazon Dash buttons and … [Read more...]